Capturing Advanced Digital Literacy of VHS Teachers in Indonesia
Author: Sherly Rahmawati, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Isma Widiaty Category: Edukasi Publisher: PT. Rumah Publikasi Indonesia Pages: 154 Country: Indonesia Language: English Dimension: 176 mm x 250 mmThe monograph of “The Identification of Vocational High School Teachers’ Advanced Digital Competence: Overview and Analysis” is written for the general readers, especially vocational high school teachers, to deeply learn about digital literacy analysis form any different levels of competence who are preparing to elevate their digital literacy knowledge. It is designed for the students to understand the structure of English in general and specific containing digital literacy overview, digital literacy analysis from the stream of literatures, digital literacy real analysis, vocational high school teachers’ level results, and further recommendation for teachers’ digital literacy in vocational high school. Therefore, this book provides several analysis and literatures. In part of the explanations, the writer describes the background with the general subsequent situation of digital literacy.
The first unit of the book gives the introduction part of study. It is started to explain the background of study which explain the global problems, specific needs, previous studies, the goals of study and its significance. The second section presents the literatures review related to digital competence especially for advanced level. This part will be beneficial for vocational high school teachers in knowing related literatures of teachers’ digital competence. The next part discusses the research methodology and how the data is processed or analyzed that will be discussed deeply in the four parts as results and discussions. Lastly, the author provides the conclusion, implication and recommendation for further studies.